Faux Mayes Cross near Kingston, TN
A rather unusual, more primitive concrete marker on Hwy 80 in Rockwood, TN near Kingston, TN.
The cross misses the typical lettering and message, instead it appears rough and with a different wording than Mayes on each side.
One side says JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, the other is barely readable but states …BUT THE BLOOD… which refers to “Nothing but the blood of Jesus”.
It’s a singular object inspired by the classic Mayes markers and got erected by Rockwood resident Donnie Bohanan[1]
More information on the blog.
Thanks to Brent Moore of SeeMidTN.com for sharing that with me.
[1] Stager, Claudette, and Martha Carver. “Chaper 13 – Get Right With God: Harrison Mayes’s Roadside Advertising Campaign For The Lord.” Looking beyond the Highway: Dixie Roads and Culture, University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, 2006, p. 207.