About the Mayes, and their message in a bottle.
The Mayeses have mailed their bottle-contained messages all over the world, but so far, they said, they have not been able to break through the Iron Curtain.
“I guess w e w ill have to float them in,” Mayes remarked. They m ailed four to the postmaster at Istanbul. asking him to throw them into the Bosphorus, forgetting that the current there runs aw ay from Russian territory, and not toward it.
How ever, the package was returned, probably because the Istanbul postmaster could not read the Turkish on the card which they had inscribed with the help of language experts at nearby Lincoln Memorial University.
Mrs. Mayes now is planning to mail some to Vienna in the hopes the bottles w ill be throw n into the Danube, which will carry them toward Russian territory.
The Courier Journal, Sun, Jan. 23. 1949
The Tennessean, Nashville, Tennessee, Sun, Jul 17, 1949 · Page 67
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